Monday 8 February 2010

Hyper reality

Plato’s cave – Philosophically living a whole life in shelter (the realm of the forms), forced to live and die in this cave. All they know is shadows which are caused by fire. The images on the wall of this cave are all these people know of reality. However if you are born and live in this system and that is the only information you get, this then becomes your reality. Although it is not reality it is a simulation of reality.
Prisoner in the cave escapes, sees reality, goes back to save the rest on them. They think he has gone crazy and kill him.
A lot of people would like to choose their reality rather than the reality.
Simulacrum of reality.
We buy into manufactured or limited reality. We are very resistant that there is another reality/ alternative form of life or thinking to what we know and have been brought up knowing.
Core idea of humanity, they are mortal, wither and die. But the core idea of what it is to be human lives on. People are simulations of what it is to be a person.
Artists, designers poets and musicians perpetuate 3rd order simulations (produce a hyper reality) artists project ideologies with more floors than the world its self.
Immolation, weaker copy of what it could be, the ultimate truth, the idea of simulation. The idea of life as we see it is not what it could be.

Renati Des Cartes
A radical sceptic, to uncover the truth about something, to try and prove an idea, you try and disprove it in as many ways as you can until you cannot disprove it anymore, therefore it must be true.
Prove what can be known about reality, I can’t trust what I see with my eyes, All the ideas about the world, what if he is in some transindential dream? A demon that manipulates all he knows about the world.
‘How do you know your real?’
‘How do you know I’m talking to you?’
Peter Ungars ‘Evil Scientist’ (1975) & Hilary Putnams ‘Brain in a Vat’ (1981)
How do you know your not a brain in a pot, being shocked different impulses to create an alter ego of sub consciousness?
Most people understanding of the world and lives within it, are fundamentally false and do not understand their true relation to the social system. Their understanding of reality and thus themselves is wrong.
Communist Manifesto (1848)
‘All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life and his relations with his kind’
all they know is not real.
Walter Benjamin
what happens to art, when people have the power to reproduce that art over and over again, what philosophically happens, it loses its value.
That original is just the original of a million copies.

1) Conservative – People only engage with such art in the devaluation.
2) Benjamin – Now there is the possibility of that art to come to you and have your own meaning for it. Create your own reading and your own version of culture

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